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Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability
By taking a tour with us you Assumption or Risk and Release of Liability
to Manhattan and Beyond Tours and its Associates
(All tour participants will be required to sign the following Release of Liability form that reads):
Please read carefully and sign.
This Contact and Release is entered by and between, Manhattan and Beyond Tours llc,. and the adults and guardians (Participants) whose names and signatures appear below.
Release and discharge Manhattan and Beyond Tours llc and its agents and employees from and against any and all liability arising from participating in the trip/tour in New York City. Participants agree that this release will be legally binding upon the participants, their heirs, successors, assigns and legal representatives; it being their intention to fully assume all risk of travel and to release Manhattan and Beyond tour from any and all liabilities to the maximum permitted by law.
Participants also acknowledge that they must also sign a Liability Waiver and Assumption of Risk statement provided by the affiliated entity, who supplies equipment for tours and that Manhattan and Beyond Tours llc are not the provider of such equipment.
Responsibility/Disclaimer Statement
Manhattan and Beyond Tours llc and its affiliated entities and its employees, shareholders, officers, directors, successors, agents, and assigns, neither own nor operate any person or entity which is to, or does, provide goods or services for these trips or tours. Because Manhattan and Beyond Tours llc does not maintain any control over the personnel, equipment or operations of these suppliers, Manhattan and Beyond Tours llc assumes no responsibility for and cannot be held liable for any personal injury, death, property damage, or other loss, accident, delay, inconvenience, or irregularity which may be occasioned by reason of (1) any wrongful, negligent, willful, or unauthorized acts or omissions on the part of any of the tour suppliers, or other employees or agents, (2) any defect in failure of any vehicle, equipment, instrument owned, operated or otherwise by any of these suppliers, or (3) any wrongful, willful, or negligent act or omissions on any part of any other party no under the supervision or control of the Operator.